Power Up One Day Confernce
POWER UP: Celebrate Our Power and Purpose! On Feb. 5th, the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre will

Physical Education: Power Up Professional Development
POWER UP: Celebrating Our Power and Purpose02/05/2025 8:00 am – 1:00 pm Join the SDCOE Health and Physical Education Leadership Cadre for a FREE one-day

CAHPERD & NAPEC Conference January 22-25
Any ambitious Physical Education teachers that are interested in attending one of the bigger conferences for Physical Educators CAHPERED is coming up on January 22-25 2025. Learn

New Legislation Will Impact Physical Education! Here is What You Need to Know!
Here is a link to the summary for each bill per the San Diego County Office of Education. For specific details or further clarification please

San Diego HS Phys. Ed. Program Featured at USA Weightlifting
Make sure to take some time to read about the tremendous transformation of San Diego HS’s physical education program. https://www.usaweightlifting.org/ https://www.usaweightlifting.org/news/2024/november/25/serving-students-why-san-diego-high-school-turned-to-weightlifting Huge kudos to SDHS

SDUSD Teacher Chris Ahrens Honored as California High School Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year
Chris Ahrens has been named the High School Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year. A creative mind that brings quality to the teams he