San Diego CAHPERD Exemplary
Add Your Heading Text Here Congrats! to all the CAHPERD recognized individuals for their contributions to the field of Physical Education and Health in the

Yesterday our San Diego Unified School District Cluster Physical Education Coordinators (CPECs) were honored by CAHPERD for outstanding services. The time, energy, effort, & experience

Water Smart Lesson
Hello Physical Educators I wanted to Pass along this information by the Nursing and Wellness department Here you will find Water Safety curriculum for TK-2nd grade

Fitnessgram data entry (check marking)
Please be sure to complete the marking of your data entry (marking if the student participated) into the portal for your students. Also please make

Open PhysEd Free Curriculum
Did you know that Open PhysEd provides free curriculum to utilize in your classroom? Open PhysEd gives you access to a number of lessons that

SDCOE Health and Physical Education
Did you know the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) has a monthly newsletter for Physical Education and Health? We have a link included