2023 High School Teacher of the Year
Congrats again on all the great work and accomplishments! Link here to see the above Interview with Trishaa Camp.

Vote for Student Board Members
High school students can vote for the students they want to represent them on the board of education from Thursday (4/27) at 4pm to Friday

Free Bowling Night For Kids
If you are looking for some fun family activities check out Aztec bowling where kids ages 12 and under can play 2 free games per

Teach The Teachers Night Rugby
Our Teach the Teachers Night is a free one-hour session that provides information about our Imagine Rugby program and how to teach the curriculum. Every teacher

Amazing work taking place at Patrick Henry High
Please watch the full story here from CNN that went out to Patrick Henry High and covered the amazing work being done to help educate and create

Color Crushers Lesson Plans for Grades 3-5
Check out the Color Crushers lesson from OpenPhysEd for Grades 3-5. Color Crushers Full lesson plan can be found here.