As identified in the Course of Study, certain BMB and JROTC courses provide for Physical Education credit. Teachers are deemed qualified by the credential they hold. All BMD/ JROTC teachers hold a Designated Subjects Special Subjects Teaching Credential (DSSS), they must add the Teaching Assignment Option or the STA allow them to grant credit in PE. 

Approval of amendments to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) §80037 pertaining to Designated Subjects Special Subjects Teaching Credentials established a Special Teaching Authorization (STA) in Physical Education effective January 1, 2015. Holders of a DSSS credential in BMD and ROTC may elect to add the STA in Physical Education upon completion of specific requirements.  The STA in Physical Education added to a DSSS credential in BMD or ROTC will provide the holder with a distinct physical education authorization limited to the areas of basic military drill and physical fitness training. The STA will not authorize instruction in any physical education courses that are offered outside of BMD and ROTC programs.

Holders of DSSS credentials in BMD and ROTC who do not have the STA listed on their documents will still be authorized, by school board action, to teach Physical Education in the context of BMD or ROTC courses that have been approved to carry high school graduation credit for Physical Education per Education Code §44258.3. Education Code §44258.3 allows local school districts to assign any credential holder to teach departmentalized classes, with their consent, in Grades K-12 irrespective of the designations on their teaching credentials. The teacher’s competence must be verified according to policies and procedures established by the governing board consistent with the language of the statute; Board Policy 4113 and the accompanying AR: Assignment, along with Board Policy 6142.7 /administrative Regulation: Physical Education and Activity fulfill this requirement.

JROTC Ed Code: https://go.boarddocs.com/ca/sandi/Board.nsf/Public#

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