Swim and Aquatics


Participating in swimming activities for PE and aquatics can be great! However we must always take the proper steps to ensure everyone is safe and things are in order. The information below will help guide you in the process for bringing swim PE to your school site.

Here is a guide for steps to take when planning and implementing a PE swim program at your school site. 

Below are the forms required to have any type of swim activities take place through your school site. (These are also the same forms that can be found at the forms section of our website)

School Aquatics Program Bulletin No.127

Administrative Procedure 4178

Please see the above administrative procedure when planning and implementing units of study that are related to school aquatics. Facilities shall be used only for school-sponsored instructional, competitive, and recreational aquatics activities and only while under the supervision of authorized district staff.

Aquatics Activity Plan

Swimming Program Medical History Form

Swimming Medical Form in Spanish (Espanol)

Programa de natación Formulario de historial médico

Swim and Aquatics Happenings

Knox Middle PE swim video highlights

Swim and safety awareness in the news

PE Swim Lessons

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